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OSHA Releases 2024 Top 10 Safety Violations
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has published its annual list of the top 10 most frequently cited safety violations for the fiscal year 2024, highlighting persistent workplace hazards.
Could a New Standard Reduce Human Errors in Safety? Standard Norway Wants Feedback
Standard Norway is exploring the development of comprehensive standards addressing human factors in accident prevention and is seeking feedback from businesses by March 1.
Brazil Introduces Landmark Standard to Curb Forest Fires
The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) has launched ABNT NBR 17190:2024, the nation's first standard dedicated to forest fire protection.
Serbia Translates ISO 45006 for Managing Infectious Disease Risks at Work
On December 30, 2024, Serbia published SRPS ISO 45006:2024, offering guidance to organizations on preventing, controlling, and managing exposure to infectious agents in the workplace.
Standards Australia Releases Draft Standard to Protect Children in the Metaverse
Standards Australia has unveiled draft standard DR AS 5402:2024, Children’s Safety in the Metaverse, developed by its MV-002 committee.
China Seeks Public Input on Draft Rules for Major Fire Hazards
China has released a draft of the mandatory national standard Rules for Determining Major Fire Hazards for public consultation.
UK Revises Critical Standard for Fire Safety in Residential Buildings
British Standards Institution (BSI) has revised an essential fire safety standard for the design, management, and use of residential buildings.
Fourth Edition of Swedish Handbook for Medical Gas Facilities Published
The Swedish Standards Institute (SIS) has released the fourth edition of SIS Handbook 370: Safety Standard for Medical Gas Facilities.
Indonesian Seminar Highlights Circuit Breakers and IEC Electrical Safety Standards
An international seminar on The Role of IEC International Standards for Electrical Safety in Indonesia was organized on November 19, 2024, in Serpong, South Tangerang,
NEK Publishes New Standard for Emergency Preparedness
The Norwegian Electrotechnical Committee (NEK) has launched NEK 801, a new standard for electrical installations in mobile units used by defense and emergency response actors.