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Topolšica Hospital Achieves Slovenia's First ISO 7101 Certification
Topolšica Hospital Achieves Slovenia's First ISO 7101 Certification
Topolšica Hospital has become the first medical institution in Slovenia to earn the ISO 7101 certification for management systems for quality in healthcare organizations.
How EU’s Unique Device Identification Enhances Medical Device Safety
How EU’s Unique Device Identification Enhances Medical Device Safety
The European Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) requires all medical device manufacturers to assign a Unique Device Identification (UDI) to their products.
ISBIH Translates ISO 15189 Standard for Medical Laboratories
ISBIH Translates ISO 15189 Standard for Medical Laboratories
The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ISBIH) has translated the latest edition of the international standard Medical Laboratories—Requirements for Quality and Competence, and issued it as BAS EN ISO 15189:2022.
Dutch Standard on Ultraviolet Sterilization of Medical Devices Open for Comments
Dutch Standard on Ultraviolet Sterilization of Medical Devices Open for Comments
The The Dutch standardization body (NEN) is inviting comments on its draft standard, NEN 8281.
Netherlands Updates Standard for IT Security in Healthcare
Netherlands Updates Standard for IT Security in Healthcare
The updated Dutch standard for information security in healthcare is now available on the NEN Connect, the platform of the Netherlands' national standards organization.
Fourth Edition of Swedish Handbook for Medical Gas Facilities Published
Fourth Edition of Swedish Handbook for Medical Gas Facilities Published
The Swedish Standards Institute (SIS) has released the fourth edition of SIS Handbook 370: Safety Standard for Medical Gas Facilities.
EU’s QUANTUM Project Aims to Create a Standardized Health Data Quality and Utility Label
EU’s QUANTUM Project Aims to Create a Standardized Health Data Quality and Utility Label
The QUANTUM project is an initiative that aims to create a standardized health data quality and utility label for the secondary use of health data across the EU.
Swedac Conducts First Assessments Under Updated ISO 15189 Standard
Swedac Conducts First Assessments Under Updated ISO 15189 Standard
The 2022 version of the ISO 15189 standard has been implemented, and Swedac began inspections of medical laboratories against it in January 2024.
Standard for Auditing Healthcare Quality Management Systems Released in Serbian
Standard for Auditing Healthcare Quality Management Systems Released in Serbian
A new standard specifying competency requirements for auditing and certifying quality management systems in healthcare organizations has been published in Serbian.
Nigeria’s Healthcare Sector Leverages ISO Certifications to Reverse Medical Tourism
Nigeria’s Healthcare Sector Leverages ISO Certifications to Reverse Medical Tourism
Nigeria’s healthcare system is taking strides to retain local patients and curb outbound medical tourism by implementing ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems (QMS) and ISO 15189 for medical laboratory competence.
AFNOR can now issue CE Marking certificates for Medical Devices. Looking for Auditors
AFNOR can now issue CE Marking certificates for Medical Devices. Looking for Auditors
AFNOR Certification is actively seeking auditors specialized in medical device compliance to help meet a growing need for CE marking services.
Montenegro Hosts Roundtable on Medical Laboratory Accreditation
Montenegro Hosts Roundtable on Medical Laboratory Accreditation
The Accreditation Body of Montenegro (ATCG) hosted a roundtable focused on the role and significance of medical laboratory accreditation.
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