News Canada

Selected News

IEEE-SA Accredited to Develop National Standards in Canada
IEEE-SA Accredited to Develop National Standards in Canada
The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) has officially accredited IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) to develop national standards, empowering the organization to shape Canadian guidelines.
BNQ Introduces Two New Certification Programs for Compostable Products
BNQ Introduces Two New Certification Programs for Compostable Products
The Bureau de Normalisation du Québec (BNQ) has launched two certification programs to ensure products labeled as compostable meet specific standards.
BNQ Unveils Updated Responsible Event Management Standard
BNQ Unveils Updated Responsible Event Management Standard
If you thought managing events was as simple as picking out a nice venue and hoping for the best, think again. The Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ) released the second edition of its BNQ 9700-253 standard, originally introduced in 2010, which focuses on responsible event management.
New Standard Aims to Open Doors to Everyone in Apprenticeship Programs
New Standard Aims to Open Doors to Everyone in Apprenticeship Programs
The new Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standard CSA Z259.9:2024 is set to make apprenticeship programs more inclusive.
Principles Measuring Impact of Standards on Health and Safety
Principles Measuring Impact of Standards on Health and Safety
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has released a comprehensive document detailing the principles for measuring the impact of standards on health and safety.