Members Food / Agriculture

Enological Station Vršac d.o.o.
Enological Station Vršac d.o.o.
About Enological Station Vršac d.o.o. : Enological Station Vršac DOO Vršac is an accredited laboratory for physical-chemical, microbiological, biological-biochemical, and sensory testing of plant-based foodstuffs, wine, strong alcoholic beverages, natural mineral water, additives, aromas, animal feed, as well as items of general use.
Apatinska Brewery Apatin
Apatinska Brewery Apatin
About Apatinska pivara doo: Apatinska Brewery was founded in 1756 as the "Imperial Brewery" in Apatin. There are records of producing 12,000 hectoliters of beer in the 18th century.
The Scientific Veterinary Institute "Novi Sad"
The Scientific Veterinary Institute "Novi Sad"
About NIV "Novi Sad": The Scientific Veterinary Institute "Novi Sad" is a leading scientific research institution in the field of veterinary sciences and biotechnology in Serbia. It was established in 1950 by a decision of the National Assembly. The Institute is a non-budgetary institution owned by the state.
Fruvita doo
Fruvita doo
Fruvita is located in the most renowned fruit-growing region in Serbia. The Danube River and the vast hills of fertile land are the reasons why the fruit-growing tradition of the Smederevo-Grocka area spans centuries, and the quality of the fruit is widely known.
Pivara Trebjesa doo
Pivara Trebjesa doo
About Pivara Trebjesa doo: Nikšićko Pivo is the inheritor of a rich brewing tradition in Nikšić, dating back to 1896 when the entrepreneurial visionary Vuko Jankov Krivokapić, with the blessing of Prince Nikola, founded the first brewery under the name "Onogošt."
Bambi AD Požarevac
Bambi AD Požarevac
Bambi is a leading confectionery company in the Western Balkans region with a history of 55 years. Since June 2019, the Bambi company has been operating within the Coca-Cola HBC Group.
Patent Co. d.o.o.
Patent Co. d.o.o.
About Patent Co. d.o.o. : PATENT CO. is a company engaged in the production of complete mixtures, super concentrates, premixes, and additives for animal nutrition.
Pionir d.o.o.
Pionir d.o.o.
Pionir d.o.o. is a company for the production of chocolate, candies and pastries and is one of the leading manufacturers of confectionery products in southern Europe with a 100-year tradition.
ZZ Mrkšić's farms
ZZ Mrkšić's farms
About Mrkšić's farms: Agriculture is the primary activity. The entire production is carried out on an area of approximately 7000 hectares. In addition, the cooperative owns:
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