Pivara Trebjesa doo

About Pivara Trebjesa doo: Nikšićko Pivo is the inheritor of a rich brewing tradition in Nikšić, dating back to 1896 when the entrepreneurial visionary Vuko Jankov Krivokapić, with the blessing of Prince Nikola, founded the first brewery under the name "Onogošt."
Financial means for this risky venture were provided by Vuko's father, Janko, a wealthy landowner. Prince Nikola granted Krivokapić permission to establish the first beer factory in Montenegro and simultaneously exempted him from customs duties on imported equipment, raw materials, and beer taxes.
However, due to business difficulties, Vuko and his father Janko had to join forces with three well-known businessmen, to whom they ceded three-quarters of the ownership for 76,000 crowns in 1902. In 1909, the brewery was converted into a joint-stock company, the Montenegrin Brewery "Onogošt," with a capital of 250,000 perpers, divided into 2,500 shares. Due to market needs, several Nikšić merchants and craftsmen decided in 1908 to establish a new brewery, whose name "Trebjesa" has endured despite tumultuous historical changes.
About the Management Systems (Quality) Implemented by Pivara Trebjesa doo:
The first international recognition for product quality was received in 1932 in Paris when "Trebjesa" was awarded the Charter of the City of Paris, the Golden Cross, and the Gold Medal. In subsequent years, more than 70 recognitions followed at domestic and international competitions.
Faithful to its roots and open to everyone, Nikšićko Pivo is now part of the large global beer family under the umbrella of the Canadian-American company "Molson Coors Brewing Company."
The company applies numerous quality standards through the implementation of corporate programs (initially WPO, then SPOt, and now the World Class Supply Chain - a world-class excellence program in production and logistics):
- ISO 14001: Environmental Management System
- OHSAS 18001: Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- ISO 22000: Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
- ISO 9001: Quality Management System
- BRC: British Retail Consortium Global Standard for Food Safety
- HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, internally implemented in 2006 and externally certified since 2007 by SGS - Société Générale de Surveillance, a leading global company for inspection, verification, testing, and certification.