ISO 26000

ISO 26000 - Guidance on Social Responsibility is an international standard providing instructions and guidelines related to social responsibility.

The European Commission defines corporate social responsibility in its Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility as "the concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their business operations and interactions with stakeholders (shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, governments, media, and the public) on a voluntary basis." The aim of social responsibility is to contribute to sustainable development.

Organizations worldwide and their stakeholders are increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior and the benefits it entails.

An organization's impact on society and the environment has become a crucial part of measuring its overall performance and its ability to operate effectively continuously. This reflects the growing recognition of the need to ensure a healthy ecosystem, social equality, and good governance within an organization.

The goal of ISO 26000 is to assist organizations in their efforts to act in a socially responsible manner and to encourage them to go beyond mere compliance with legal regulations, considering that compliance with the law is a fundamental obligation of every organization and a key part of its social responsibility. Additionally, the aim of this standard is to help organizations contribute to sustainable development.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organizations on:

  • Concepts, terms, and definitions related to social responsibility,
  • Background, trends, and characteristics of social responsibility,
  • Principles and practices related to social responsibility,
  • Key social responsibility themes and issues,
  • Integrating, implementing, and promoting socially responsible behavior within the organization and, through its policies and practices, within its sphere of influence,
  • Identifying and engaging stakeholders,
  • Communicating commitments, performance, and other information related to social responsibility.

ISO 26000 contains voluntary guidance, not requirements. It is not a management system standard and is not intended nor suitable for certification purposes, such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001. Any offer of certification to ISO 26000 or a statement of certification to ISO 26000 would be a misinterpretation of the intention and purpose, as well as an abuse of this international standard.

ISO 26000 adds value to existing practices in the field of social responsibility and deepens understanding and implementation of social responsibility by:

  • Developing international consensus on the significance of social responsibility and the issues organizations need to focus on,
  • Providing guidance on translating principles into effective activities,
  • Redefining best practices that have already progressed and disseminating information globally for the benefit of the international community.

ISO 26000 defines seven principles of social responsibility within its guidance:

  • Accountability of the organization for its impact on society and the environment,
  • Transparency of the organization in decision-making and activities affecting society and the environment,
  • Ethical behavior,
  • Respect for stakeholder interests, consideration of those interests, and responding to them,
  • Respect for the rule of law,
  • Respect for international norms of behavior,
  • Respect for human rights and recognition of their importance and universality.

Recent updates to ISO 26000 have emphasized the increasing importance of integrating environmental and social governance (ESG) factors into organizational practices. The standard now includes more guidance on addressing issues related to climate change, resource use, and social justice, reflecting the growing global focus on sustainability and ethical business practices.

Benefits of implementing ISO 26000:

The perception of an organization and the facts regarding its performance in terms of social responsibility can, among other things, enhance:

  • Competitive advantage,
  • Reputation,
  • Ability to attract and retain employees or members, customers, clients, or users,
  • Morale, commitment, and productivity of employees,
  • Attitude of investors, owners, donors, sponsors, and the financial community,
  • Relationships with companies, governments, media, suppliers, colleagues, users, and the community in which it operates.


For more information about ISO 26000, you can visit the official website of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) here: ISO 26000 - Social Responsibility.