Blogs European Union

The Role of Digital Product Passports in Transition to a Greener Economy
The Role of Digital Product Passports in Transition to a Greener Economy
Jacob Mehus, CEO of Standard Norway, shares his perspective on how digital product passports (DPPs) could become a crucial tool in the EU’s push for a greener economy.
Qualiopi and Technology Alone Cannot Ensure Quality Training
Qualiopi and Technology Alone Cannot Ensure Quality Training
Jean-Christophe Thibaud critiques Qualiopi certification and technology's role in professional training in France.
Classification of Medical Devices under EU MDR
Classification of Medical Devices under EU MDR
Dr. Murugan Kandasamy, Managing Director & CEO at DQS India, Head - Medical Global Support Center, has published a new blog post about Classification of Medical Devices under EU MDR. The most important issues he discusses are:
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