Blogs Ecology / Energy / Chemistry

The Role of Digital Product Passports in Transition to a Greener Economy
The Role of Digital Product Passports in Transition to a Greener Economy
Jacob Mehus, CEO of Standard Norway, shares his perspective on how digital product passports (DPPs) could become a crucial tool in the EU’s push for a greener economy.
Life Cycle Assessment or Product Carbon Footprint? Choosing the Right Tool for Sustainability Goals
Life Cycle Assessment or Product Carbon Footprint? Choosing the Right Tool for Sustainability Goals
Life cycle assessment (LCA) and product carbon footprint (PCF) are two methodologies used to evaluate the environmental impact of products, each with distinct focuses.
Circular Economy Here to Stay: Foundations Confirm It as a Global Megatrend
Circular Economy Here to Stay: Foundations Confirm It as a Global Megatrend
The first post in the Circular Economy Uncovered series by Quality Austria explores whether the circular economy is a fleeting concept or a transformative megatrend.
Adopting GHG Standards Boosts Business Success
Adopting GHG Standards Boosts Business Success
Natalie Walker from ISOQAR explains how adopting greenhouse gas standards like ISO 14064 and ISO 14068 brings tangible business benefits.
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